Prancing Ponies in Pasir Ris

Back in 2010 (!!) with my trusty D90. When Suan just enlisted into NS. 
Wow. Time flies and I can't even... fathom how the measurement of time is valid. Anyway, I have a bad rep in taking care of my things, especially electronic ones. I have seen way too many spoilt phones/laptops/computers/memory cards/hard disks. Most of my hard disks are half dead and the main one is dead. I tried to revive and salvage whatever I can... And found some gold

Usually times like this I get pretty impressed with myself, "wooah, I used to take photos like this ahhhh" and mostly "why did I take photos like that?!".

This particular day, Alex, Suan and I decided to go out and shoot. We used to do that a lot, just going out to "shoot street". Those were the good ol' days we were carefree and young. 

Ah Siongs are random unglam men on streets who do very uncle things. I think. 
I don't remember why we spent so much time on the patch of grass outside Whitesands. But we did. Glad we did because I think the government built something on it already. Even if they have not, they would rubbing their palms and think about what they can do to the land. Then Ah Siongs like us cannot squat in random patches of grass anymore.

Update: This patch of grass is now occupied by a under-construction DBSS. I am so glad to have photographed this. 


Suan was trying out this 500D that didn't belong to him.

His head is very round.

So the rest of the photos bordered on being really pointless and badly composed, which I wasn't proud of. So here's a nice one below, we were walking around Pasir Ris, towards Tampines. Sun was setting and it was the soothing kind. It doesn't always has to be majestic, you know? 
So soothing and soft and beautiful and so goddamn hot earlier this better be worth it.

And we walked on...
"Good night, folks," as it stretches, the Sun shot out the last of its prowess, then dived head first into bed.

Eventually, we reached a highway looking road with a pedestrian pathway. We were very amused and went "click, click, click". 
Alex and Suan snapping random things.

The day ended and we went to Prata Paradise, met up with a friend and chatted the night away. I guess mundanity has its appeal, and we have taken it for granted when we were all more carefree.

A tribute to the many times people tell me they want nice bokeh.
Including myself. #GUILTY

Till next time!


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